Thursday, January 14, 2010

Crazy Week

We've had a hectic week so many things to do everday, Aye!  TinyBit had to have a ultrasound yesterday, we got up real early and headed to the hospital and when we got there, they said her appt. was for today,  but they went ahead and took her then and did the test and then we headed for McD's for breakfast.  I just love their coffees.  Sometimes at nite I dream about them.  I can taste em in my sleep!  Anyways we got coffee and sausage biscuits and hashbrowns. 

My daughter is a recovering alcoholic and just got out of rehab last week.  She was there for a long time and I'm so proud of her because she chose to go there  by herself.  She wanted to go and she got herself in.  She's had so many problems like so many young native mothers and I prayed and prayed for her for many years and I asked many friends and family members to pray too.  Finally I prayed to St. Rita (the saint of miracles), and I prayed a Novena along with my Rosary everyday.  Finally 3 days after I prayed to St. Rita, she wanted to come home and she said she was ready to change her life for the better.  She really wanted to do something for once and she started right off with a positive attitude and a personality change.  It took her over a month to get into a rehab that had a bed for her, and she was excited to get there. 

We went to visit her the first time and I could tell she was sincere and was changing spiritually and emotionally and physically.  I could see it and feel it.  My heart was so happy.  Her daughters were so happy and proud of her too, we all were.  Shes made lots of big changes and they are all goot ones.  I'm so thankful to God and St. Rita for answering my prayers and those of my granddaughters.  Many people are still skeptical of her, but I told her, "it's early in your recovery and it will take time.  don't rush and hurry, everything will fall into place and happen when it's supposed to".....she has alot of proving to do and she's ready for it.  It just amazes me everyday when we speak of things that used to be would cause a huge fight between us, and now...we can just talk about them, woman to woman without all the drama.  It's so goot to have her back!

We've been talking about getting the little ones named in the Spring at Meetin.  We also have to find godparents for them too, because we're having them baptized soon and the two older ones will be taking their First Communion this spring too.  I've got to get busy making shawls and things for giveaway.  For those of you who don't know what giveaway is, it's when you or your family give something of value to someone who has been a goot friend or helper to you or your family during a special time in your life.  When my granddaughters are named, they will be named by their great uncle who will name them during a Native American Church meetin.  Some folks call them Peyote Meetins.  Our family is from the East Moon.  The parents will go into meetin the evening before and then stay in there all nite and participate in the ceremonies and sing and pray all nite.  In the morning when the sun comes up, we'll bring the girls into the church and participate in the prayers and they will be given their names, (some people call them indian names) and only the family and those in close relationship with them will call them by their "indian name".  It will be a name signifying their clan and their position in birthorder.  I'll write more about that when the time comes.  I've talked more than usual and it's time for church.  Everyone have a safe, and warm evening.

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